There are so many good value #cabernetfranc from #Loire and I feel fortunate because I prefer this style, light, juicy, crunchy and fresh almost tart style to some of the more expensive more complex styles. — 4 years ago
Typical #loire #anjoublanc - crushed apple and pear on nose, crisp acidity up front on palate - nice flexible pairing with various Vietnamese entrées. — a year ago
#saumurchampigny #loire — 2 years ago
Razzy, with a bouquet of lemon verbena and oregano immersed in lime and chalk. Real depth here, with gooseberry predominate, and fresh sage a close second. Tangerine and grapefruit pith paying dividends. Generous, with the acid to back it up. Highly recommended.
#loire #loireblanc #loire #sauvignonblanc #blanc #silex #leblancdesilex #touraine
#Terroirsilexsauvignon #domainepreys #blancduvaldeloire #sauvblanc
— 4 years ago
Well, I guess it should come as no surprise, but Guiberteau’s rosé is equally as delicious as any of his other wines. Living legend.
#guiberteau #rose #loire #saumur — 2 years ago
White gold to light straw. Faintest sweet propane note shows grapefruit peel and green apple, flinty and broken rocks, lemon oils, lime pith and cold fat. Rich lemon juiciness with zest of lime, salted lemon, white grapefruit. Citrus rich fruitiness booms, but finish of chalky and dry grapefruit pith brings a refreshing salivation, instantly and stunningly impressive.
#domainebaillyreverdy #domainebaillyereverdysancerre #sancerre #lamercydieu #baillyreverdylamercydieu #desvinsdusancerrois #vigneronrecoltant #vinblanc #loire #loirewine — 3 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger,
#loirelovlies #loire #montlouis #chenin #cheninblanc — 8 months ago