Salvia, dusty, black cherry. Lifted, fine, persistent minerality. Estate is situated just above Pertimali, and the young proprietors work for Sassetti. Pure class, as you’d imagine in such a situation. Fantastic! #cerbaia #rossodimontalcino #sangiovesegrosso — 7 years ago
Lighter-styled Brunello offering a red cherry mint, smoky soft plum and bruised rose petal; lightest pepper, poppyseed.
Vague notes of banana and spun sugar. Tart cherry, raspberry and oregano on the palate, cedar-cigar, grainy tannins and roobios. Good Brunello for the money!
#brunello #brunellodimontalcino #sangiovese #sangiovesegrosso #montalcino #docg #Ridolfi #agricolaridolfi #Ridolfibrunellodimontalcino #tuscany #tuscan #tuscanred #tuscanwine — 3 years ago
A bit more focused and chiseled than the ‘15; also better balanced. Hot dust, grated spice, aged Balsamico. Tannins just short of grippy. Juicy, savory and superfine. Absolutely A-list stuff. #sestadisopra #sangiovesegrosso #montalcino — 6 years ago
red fruits with some dark fruits, licorice, earthy and leather, hint of meatiness, cocoa, coffee, baking spices, vanilla. amazing finish balancing alcohol, tannins and acid. #brunellodimontalcino #sangiovesegrosso #italy #winetasting — 8 years ago
Black and red cherry fruit aromas, dried cran and raisin, display a light tangerine, sage, aloe and pepper dust. Sweet tobacco, and spot on measures of cedar and smoke. Dried cherry, pointedly tart raspberry, black cherry, cocoa, coffee, and tarragon round out the palate. Juicy in places; lean on the pyrotechnics. Balanced in a word.
#brunello #brunellodimontalcino #montelchino #sangiovese #sangiovesegrosso #valdisuga #docg #tuscany #tuscanred #estatebottled #italianred #italianredwine — 3 years ago
Smokes 75% of Brunello. This one may be the greatest Rosso di Montalcino I’ve ever tasted. Meat juices, saddle shop, hot dust, herbs, roasted fruits. Fine, soft tannins. Should be perfect for another 5-7 years. #sangiovesegrosso #pertimalisassetti — 6 years ago
David Kline
German chocolate cake and bacon fat, brooding black cherry and reishi mushroom. Smoky tallow, madura leaf, blackberries, black currant, black roses and African violets, yellowing bamboo and plums for leagues. Black cherry carries the heavy mouthfeel up and over the palate with an overt lard and tallow signature. Depth and complexity ensue. This is rich and refined, well-integrated in terms of tannin and perfectly balanced; a glorious expression of Montalchino! This is rarefied quality and reins in its fruit with a graphite mesh that supports the aforementioned. Incredible.
#LaGerla #brunello #brunellodimontalcino #sangiovese #sangiovesegrosso #tuscany #tuscanrosso #rosso #lagerlagliangeli #gliangeli — 8 months ago