
Giovanna Tantini

Ettore Veronese IGT Corvina Blend 2010

Age has turned this 2010 magnum coffee-chocolate brick brown, but if memory serves this is an appassimento, Amarone-esque wine. It shows raisin and plum behind grill notes and black tobacco, fig and date. Tart dried cherry palate echoes tobacco, espresso and offers a cassis note. Earthy and bold. This wine exudes muscle, but does not lean on a Jammy-ness or blowsy-ness to deliver it. Really different, and singular.

#giovannatantini #tantini #ettore #rosso #rossoveronese #igt #italianwines #2010
— a year ago

Severn, Andrew and 4 others liked this


Red Cuvée Master Blend Series Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2014

Warm nose with chocolate notes, clove, nutmeg, and coffee. Hazelnut brownie; earthy mushroom. Tart raspberry surprise inside, with licorice, cedar, bitter arabica and sharp tobacco notes, rosemary, tart bing and rich, ripe black cherry. Oak adding cinnamon and a ghost of vanilla. Peppercorn.
#scottpalazzo #palazzo #napa #napavalley #napared #oakville #redwine #rosso #rouge
— 3 years ago

Sharon and Ron liked this

Fattoria La Gerla

Riserva gli Angeli Brunello di Montalcino Sangiovese 2013

German chocolate cake and bacon fat, brooding black cherry and reishi mushroom. Smoky tallow, madura leaf, blackberries, black currant, black roses and African violets, yellowing bamboo and plums for leagues. Black cherry carries the heavy mouthfeel up and over the palate with an overt lard and tallow signature. Depth and complexity ensue. This is rich and refined, well-integrated in terms of tannin and perfectly balanced; a glorious expression of Montalchino! This is rarefied quality and reins in its fruit with a graphite mesh that supports the aforementioned. Incredible.

#LaGerla #brunello #brunellodimontalcino #sangiovese #sangiovesegrosso #tuscany #tuscanrosso #rosso #lagerlagliangeli #gliangeli
— 8 months ago

David, Dawn and 6 others liked this

Podere Grecchi

Poggio Ferro Toscana Sangiovese 2019

Mushrooms vie with roses on an earthy canvas of ethereal red cherries and dried flowers. Violet and raspberry leaf to cherry on a grainy tannic tobacco and cedar with endless complexity. Outrageous Sangiovese!
#jacopobiondisanti #biondisanti #sangiovese #toscana #rosso #poggioferro
— a year ago

Andrew, Tom and 2 others liked this

Castello di Bolgheri

Bolgheri Superiore SuperTuscan Blend 2015


Bakers chocolate, cardamom, herbs de Provence, roses, suede, tobacco, coffe and black cherry. Red tart and black cherry power palate with brooding chocolate, rich raspberry and cherry reductions, crispy sage, light graphite, and finally tight plum and blackberry. .
#castelldibolgheri #castellodibolgheribolgherisuperiore #bolgheri #supertuscan #bordeauxblends #bordeauxblend #rosso #italianred
— 3 years ago

Mike and Ron liked this

Marotti Campi

Superiore Orgiolo Lacrima di Morro d'Alba 2015

Great Thanksgiving wine! Dried cherries, rose petal, gum Arabic, cedar-Saigon cinnamon-oak, elderberry, currant, nutmeg, blueberries. Black pepper on entry softens to black and red cherry with lavender and violet. A touch of cherrywood a smaller touch of applewood, a minute touch of hickory and a nano shaving of mesquite. Laden with inlay. Sour blackberry finish speckled with lingonberries and myrrh.

#marotticampi #orgiolo #lacrimadimorrodAlba #doc #proprietariviticoltore #rossovino #rosso #vino #vin #wine #wein
— a year ago

David, Severn and 4 others liked this

Tenuta San Guido

Bolgheri Sassicaia Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Franc 2001

Muted nose of twig and tight cherry, cranberry and allspice. Dense black, ripe and dried cherry with leather cedar and clove, a dried blackberry component, very clean tobacco note, rosemary, and thyme. Cascading layers of coffee, oak, raspberry.

#bolgheri #sassicaia #supertuscan #rosso #italianred #italianredwine #tenutasanguido #italianwine #rossoitaliano #bigredblend #bigredwine
— 3 years ago

Jamie, Sharon and 15 others liked this

Full Moon

Double Barrel Grenache Blend

Exquisite Grenache plum and leathery Syrah jump from the glass with a dusty touch of non-Brett barnyard. Black cherry, licorice, burnt rye toast, blackberry, raspberry reduction, and violet aromas. Big blackberry and luxardo cherry opener, with black currant and ripe black plum. Smooth edges all around here, with grape leaf, and a grape or two too. Touches of mint with bitter chocolate expressions make this a dance of equestrian beauty as saddle leather sage and dark cigar coat the finish. Bolero. .
#gsm #andrewpeace #fullmoon #aussiered #australianwine #fullmoondoublebarrel #southaustralia #rhoneblend #redwine #rosso #rouge #vinrouge #wine #blends
— 5 years ago

Neil, David and 3 others liked this