Супер. Сдержанное, спокойное, в меру минеральное — 4 days ago
Had the 2019 in January of 2025. What an interesting wine. Some citrus-lime and lemon. White peach with some floral notes support the citrus. Some slight minerality that keeps all the flavors in check and gives this wine a refreshing balance. Would buy again. — 2 months ago
Popped and poured; enjoyed over the course of an hour. The 2016 Reserva pours a deep ruby/purple with an opaque core; medium+ viscosity with moderate staining of the tears. On the nose, the wine is developing with notes of ripe and tart red and black fruits: black cherry, tobacco, cocoa, dill, vanilla and associated warm spices. On the palate, the wine is dry with medium+ tannin and medium+ acid. Confirming the notes from the nose. The finish is medium+. This is a textbook, modern leaning and clean version of Rioja Reserva. Drink now through 2046. — 21 days ago
Lyn Farmer
Excellent example of a well-aged Tokaji. Medium amber color work loads of orange peel, apricot, lemon, honey, marmalade, pineapple, vanilla, dried apricot, and caramel. Sweet but superbly balanced with high acidity. Very long finish - outstanding quality. — 25 days ago