Ein wunderbarer Burgunder. In der Nase geschmorter Apfel, Bratbirne, Limettenschale, und einen leichten Hauch von weissen Blüten. Am Gaumen saftig, sanfter Holzeinsatz aber nicht so mächtig wie sonstige Meursaults, jedoch auch nicht so mineralisch wie die Puligny‘s aus dem angrenzenden Gebiet. Angenehme Feuerstein-Mineralik und leichte Salzigkeit. Ein Genuss zum servierten Steinbutt mit Spitzmorchel und Frühlingserbse. Säure: Medium, Alkohol: Medium +
Preis-Leistung: 7/10 — 5 months ago
This was even better on day 2 Notes from K&L, 88-acre estate, Château de Montfaucon sits just across the Rhône River from the esteemed vineyards of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. It is owned and operated by Rodolphe de Pins, a UC Davis graduate and former member of the winemaking staff at Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe. Over the years, Château de Montfaucon has developed a HUGE following among both our staff and customers.The vines for the Mme la Comtesse vineyard were planted in the 1870s (that's not a typo). These old gnarly vines with their highly restricted yields produce some of the richest most concentrated Clairette in the entire Rhône Valley. Planted on a mix of sand, clay and pudding stones, this wine is the essence of sleek minerality. A touch of barrel fermentation adds volume and structure. The flavors resonate with ripe stone fruit flavors and white flowers, a touch of fennel pollen rounds out the finish. This reminds us of Château de Beaucastel's Châteauneuf Vieilles Vignes Blanc which sells for well over $100 a bottle. This is just as limited and just as cool for under $50. — a year ago
Very lovely Pinot, easy drinking and delicious. — 4 months ago
Ripe berries and stone fruits. — 3 years ago
Dark cherry and raspberry, leather, and a dry finish with moderate tannins. — 5 months ago
Andrew Cullimore
Deep ruby , thin pink rim . Fresh cassis , blackberry , quite spicy with a touch of vanilla, red plum . Quite open and enticing . On the palate this is somewhat linear with cool dark fruits , cassis , red plum , grafite and saline touch . Fills out well with quite grippy , cool tannins , fresh acidity , and good length with grafite , cassis finish . This is obviously not ready , however it was an enjoyable wine to drink over dinner , the freshness and cool fruit character are quite apparent , and the tannins though gritty are somewhat in the background . Though it was worth the experience , I would leave bottles a further 10 years before trying another. This is an elegant and well judged wine . — 4 days ago