Black mushrooms and plums add smoky earth to black currant and cassis, violets and pepper nose. Graphite, tobacco and shredded cedar push the cassis and dried black currant to a surface of black olives through a silky, floral-punctuated finish.
#2009 #langoabarton #chateaulangoabarton #saintjulien #grandcruclasséen1855 #misenbouteilleauchateau #leftbank #leftbankbordeaux #bordeaux #bordeauxrouge — 2 years ago
Salinity, oyster shell, orange essence, lemon verging on drawn butter, beeswax, white roses and hydrangea. Near creamy finish, but pith-large and drying grapefruit reel any inkling in.
#cosdestournel #bordeauxblanc #2018 #misenbouteilleauchateau #stestephe #appellationbordeauxcontrolée — 2 years ago
2009 is warm and inviting, with leather and clove, cinnamon and coriander. Wheat bread browned darkly. Black cherry, muddy puddle, blackberry, black currant, mocha. Round and supple on the palate with velvety tannins, black and ripe red cherry, tart raspberry and black olive meeting black pepper. Solidly built, boasting muscle beneath the flowing subtleties. Amazing wine!
#chateaulangoabarton #saintjulien #Bordeaux #langoabarton #misenbouteilleauchateau #grandcruclassé #grandcruclasséen1855 #1855 #leftbank #leftbankbordeaux — 3 years ago
Graphite and raisin, fig and marinated porcini, smoky dried cherries, black pepper on grilled beef fat, toasted sesame, dried black and red currants, all within an aura of damson and violet and honeyed rose petal. Palate leaps with damson and dried and fresh bing cherry, dried spiced plum, cedar and dried lavender, black olive, moist tobacco, and perfectly toned tannins which come off as a separate, undefinable taste of fruit skin extraction with stunning depth; tea leaves meet dried blackberry in a redwood stand. Soft date and creamy fig follow to a tart raspberry end.
#châteauchevalblanc #chevalblanc #1ergrandcruclassé #1995 #stemiliongrandcru #saintemiliongrandcru #grandcruclassé #grandcru #appellationsaintemiliongrandcrucontrolée #misenbouteilleauchateau #stcivileduchevalblanc #gironde #bordeaux #rightbank #bordeauxrouge — 2 years ago
Black currant and plum amidst loamy earth and wet espresso grounds, light black peppering and river rock. Violets. Young! Grainy tannins, dried lavender and violet, dried savory, cedar, maduro tobacco, bing cherries, black cherry skin, and underripe blackberries and black currants. Do yourself a favor and age this vintage.
#châteaubeychevelle #saintjulian #2016 #bordeaux #grandvin #grandcruclasséde1855
#misenbouteilleauchateau — 2 years ago
Lovely nose of slow cooked beef and heirloom pork, red and black roses, brown bread stuffing, fine tabak, vanilla-in-bread, dusty black cherry, dried black currant and espresso powder. Black olive rounds the palate in a textural wave that intensifies to charred grape gravy, very sharp forest berry, lavender, holly, pine nettle, and sage. Younger offering here but fully integrated and freshly offering dark bark and dark castings with lively fruit and floral punctuation.
#chateaupontetcanet #2014 #bordeaux #pauillac #grandcruclasséen1855 #appellationpauillaccontrôlée #misenbouteilleauchateau #leftbank — 2 years ago
Tons to unwind here. Black and green olives, clay and uncooked peat, multi grain bread, pecan, black sesame, mushroom fricassee, grilled filet with beurre blanc and jus. Sage, mint, and tarragon. All cohesively woven together; immaculate. That’s just the nose. Graphite and oak pencil the initial signature, which delineates the oeuvre. The cherry life cycle, from underripe to dried expressed in black and red; still-grainy tannins supporting. Raspberry tart, briary berrries. Rooibos tea, cinnamon and clove. Impeccable.
#chateaulafonrochet #lafonrochet #saintestephe #grandcruclasséde1855 #2001bordeaux #bordeauxrouge #leftbank #misenbouteilleauchateau — 2 years ago
Herbaceous. Black cherry meets trumpet mushrooms, dried violets and roses. Silky warm plum compote. On the palate, a well-knit red and black cherry see cranberry compote instead; red currant, dried raspberry and blackberry. Lovely exhibit of dried flowers, touches of iron and graphite sparkle on the long long tail.
#châteauphelansegur #phelansegur #saintestephe #2014 #misenbouteilleauchateau #leftbankbordeaux #leftbank #bordeauxrouge #bordeaux — 2 years ago
Honey-brioche and almond extract commingle with orange blossom, crystalline honey, light maple syrup and butter, marmalade with aromatic musk. The warm flavors of mouth-coating, unctuous citrus defy comparison, but evocative of marmalade hard candy, candied oranges, tangerine, clementine, nectarine, dried apricot, Meyer lemon essences, and baked apple and yellow pear. Golden; delicious.
#chateaudyquem #dyquem #sauternes #botrytis #1997 #appellationsauternescontrolée #misenbouteilleauchateau #lursaluces — 2 years ago
David Kline
Black with scant signs of bricking. Nose of forest after rain, ripe black cherry, black and blueberries, cedar, black pepper and violets. Full bodied, rich mouthfeel, with blackberry foremost, madura wrap, pepper, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, black cherry, walnut, currant, and blackened yam. This is a holiday in a bottle, at a perfect spot age wise, ridiculously resonant with a deep finish and long persistence. Open this one with family and friends and appropriate feast!
#chateaulebonpasteur #lebonpasteur #michelrolland #pomerol #2009 #grandvindebordeaux #bordeaux #rightbank #misenbouteilleauchateau #appellationpomerolcontrôlée — 7 months ago