Meaty-cherry nose has dark chocolate undertones and trumpet mushrooms, pretzel bread, bresaola, vaporous sarsaparilla-into cola, and pâté. Dried black cherry shows tart red into mid-palate, white pepper, cranberry and Crimini. Dark toast, raspberry and savory.
#2016 #monopole #ClosdeTart #closdetart #misenbouteilleaudomaine #estatebouttled #grandcru #burgundy #moreysaintdenis #msd4life #côtedor — a year ago
Schrader 'Double Diamond' Cabernet Sauvignon Oakville 2016
A rich, concentrated wine. Lots of dark fruits with some spice notes. Very smooth and accessible after some decanting. Everyday Luxuary is what this wine is about. What a beauty!
とても濃厚で凝縮されたワイン。とても果実味が豊かで程よいスパイスが感じられる。デキャンタ後は、舌触りも滑らかで飲みやすくなりました。Everyday Luxuaryとはよく言ったものです。素晴らしい。
#wine #redwine #schrader #schradercellars #doublediamond #napavalley #2016 #cabernet #californiawine #thomasbrown #california #agingpotential #ワイン #カリフォルニアワイン #赤ワイン #カベルネソービニヨン #シュレーダー #シュレーダーセラーズ#ナパバレー #ナパ #トーマスブラウン
— 6 years ago
#funtanaliras #cantinadelvermentinomonti #2016 col pesce non sfigura mai! Tenetevi sempre un bottiglia in fresca. 😉 — 7 years ago
2016 vintage. Red plum, hoisin, shiitake on soft wood, cinnamon and cedar, coffee rye, palm bark, lilac. Expansive sour cherry, cranberry, pipe tobacco, leather, apple skin, allspice, nutmeg and clove. Really a perfect Côtes du Rhône from a great vintage, shining, deific at eight years.
#beaucastel #familleperrin #cotesdurhône #coudouletdebeaucastel #cdr #2016 #appellationdoriginecontrolèe #grenache #mourvedre #syrah #cinsault — 10 months ago
Black currant and plum amidst loamy earth and wet espresso grounds, light black peppering and river rock. Violets. Young! Grainy tannins, dried lavender and violet, dried savory, cedar, maduro tobacco, bing cherries, black cherry skin, and underripe blackberries and black currants. Do yourself a favor and age this vintage.
#châteaubeychevelle #saintjulian #2016 #bordeaux #grandvin #grandcruclasséde1855
#misenbouteilleauchateau — 2 years ago
Grainy date and fig with malty caramel, hot cocoa with cinnamon and dark honey, anise and dark cacao, bitter coffee foam, and copper aromas. Malty entry with rich gingerbread and black sugar. Citrus chocolate interplay, boasting orange peel and candied lemon but shadowed by sarsaparilla and cola, black bread, allspice and pecan with black strap molasses. #barrelaged #4wood #heavyseas #unchartedwaters #plankIV #beer #quads #belgianquad #belgianstyle #oakaged #abv #quadrupel #2016 — 7 years ago
Black cherries stand out against earthy beet and blackberry. Graphite rings and smoke curls around bay and sage, acanthus and peppercorn. Green in spots and muted on the palate, this one is unfortunately young and missing something. Pepper and cedar overpower the fruits and the tannins are aggressive here, giving a stemmy impression. May develop over time but gangly and awkward here.
#chateaupichonlonguevillecomtessedelalande #pichonlongueville #2016 #pauillac #appellationpauillaccontrôlée #bordeaux #grandcruclasséde1855 — a year ago
Jumping spider eye bubbles mass in a parabola foam while smaller bubble sheens fill the bursting absences, until the whole becomes an espresso foam, and equally oiled. Unction lacings lean Hebraic but ultimately are the dream fonts writ by the hand of G-d. Mene Mene Tekel Parsin they seem to say before fluttering away as constellations on a starling’s back. Fair warning as this is a heavy purse to carry. Six years in and taking stock. Figs, dates, treacle, raisins, carob, caramel, vanilla bean, sweet potato casserole, bacon fat, mincemeat. Rich on the palate with milk chocolate, molasses, Turkish coffee, gingerbread, candied date, and espresso-tobacco finish. Gloriously integrated and complex complexions.
#oldstockale #oldstock #2016 #northcoastbrewing #bièredegarde #agedbeer #bier #beer #birra #biere #cerveza #northcoast — 2 years ago
#bacigalupivineyard #zinfadel #2016 just recently bottled. #youthful and so much potential. Just bottled one month and 5 days ago..... #wondermentwines #zap — 7 years ago
David Kline
2016. Hoisin, plum and tar nose with maple flower and sticky nettle notes. Rye bread and caraway. Grippy graphite entry of sour cherry, black cherry skins and tobacco. Firm tannins and smoke blow it out.
#vietti #viettibarolo #barolo #2016 #castiglioni #denominazionedioriginecontrollataegarantita #estatebottled — 5 months ago