My first #grange and unfortunately it did not make me fantasize about tasting more. The structure was faded and the fruit was right behind it. No lift or excitement. #penfolds #southaustralia #australia #syrah #shiraz #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago
Deep purple-black whit complex spicy, savory and meaty notes. Rich and full-bodied to the palate, whit a great freshness and extremely long to the finish. #grange #penfolds #australianwinetasting #shiraz — 8 years ago
I'm sad to see to which extent people had contorted the Syrah grape. Completely disfigured, un drinkable, heavy stuff. Probably if you think that wine is something akin of a cocktail, not part of the food that you put on the table, then go ahead. With reviews like this I think I sound like an arrogant prick, but I really dislike this style of wine.
#shiraz #southaustralia #penfolds — 8 years ago
Value! Great introduction to proper Aussie Shiraz. A ballet of black pepper and smoked fruit. #stafftasting #penfolds @DLynn Proctor — 9 years ago
Clear and bright deep ruby
clean, pronounced red fruit notes like red cherry, black fruit like bramble and black cherry, MLF cream, oak vanilla coconut, choco, oxidation almond and caramel
dry, medium- acidity, high ripe and fine tannins, high alcohol full body and pronounced intensity flavors #shiraz #barossa #australian #penfolds — 8 years ago
Great value. Great #tawny #port style. #australia #penfolds #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago
Todd Scurci
#penfolds — 9 months ago