Like a soapy tropical little German Pils from Scheurebe. Grapefruit scented mosaic hops and dank marijuana crystals. Hints of mango and papaya floating in the periphery. A body with some girth and buttercream to yang the ying of acid you couldn't complain about not even for a second. — 3 years ago
Just a great flavor... want to find this again — 3 years ago
Electric…. — 4 years ago
Oregon whites are giving me vibes in a yellow green filter. Here, a dank herbal floral thing of mosaic hops, crystalized marijuana, and jasmine perfume wafting around crisp granny smith, lemon, and grassy pilsner. So different and distinct and the way the sour wraps around the sides of my tongue makes this feel very whole. — 2 years ago
How can this be the same grape folding paper crisp Sauvignon Blanc in places like Sancerre. Camillo Donati’s Pet Nat is another world.
Big burly broad shoulders standing 13.5 Abvs apart. Smells dank. Floral hoppy scents. Jasmine white flowers, mosaic cones.
Tastes off dry - something like a sweet white Belgian ale. Baked cinnamon apple pie all the way down.
— 4 years ago
Matthew Cohen
Nose: dark pinot fruit. Spice. Pink roses.
Palate: soft medium sweet cherry fruit. Spice. Balanced. Delicious.
Finish spicy
Mosaic $25 btg $40 bottle — 7 months ago