Still very primary. Would like to try again after a few years of development. — 4 months ago
2010 vintage is perfect now. Still some dark red fruit wet stone minerality with a long finish — 3 months ago
On the tail end of its prime window, but still hitting. Like a mealy yellow apple, not quite browned. Has cider notes but plenty of acid in the mouth for vibrancy. Laser lemon cleaner with toasted oak becomes candied kumquat and sweet clementine.
Theres a lot of beautiful weight and texture and raw power that comes out to play as you let it warm. — 7 months ago
Absolutely delicious. Ripened well. Rich for a medium bodied. — 2 months ago
Delicious #chablispremiercru - likely built for the long haul but drinks splendidly young as well. Taut tartness up front on the palate, lemon layered on top of wet stone. Yum! — 6 months ago
Brad Jensen
Very rustic and musty, from what I hear this amount of time must have really softened its rough edges because this has some refinement to it. Amber red color, with slight coppery hints, the nose is musty like an old felt book binding, or some velvet church pews, with prominent fruit as it’s allowed to open up, and even some hints of dusty bubble gum and deep floral notes towards the edges. Looong legs on a medium body, the tannins are well integrated and grippy, with a strong foundation, but melt after a little while. There’s serious graphite and minerality here, but that opens into some savory notes, black currant and olive, as well as some balsamic, but after the tannin let go you get some serious cacao or dark chocolate notes, even some tobacco smoke, with fig and blood orange at the finish. I don’t know why people dog on this wine, it just needs time to mature, more than folks realize. Paired with spek, sheep’s milk cheese, and the film “A Prophet”. — 10 days ago