Un #vino sencillo y fresco sin muchos alardes , todo correcto pero sin muchos matices, notas verdes que me desagradaron. #wine #riberasacra #mencia #spainwines #redwine #winelovers #winetasting #winemaker — 9 years ago
A #Malbec from #SouthAustralia by Duane Coates, owner & #winemaker of #coateswines. Twisted the #screwcap on this 2012 #RobeVineyard #malbec for dins. Cheers Duane & thanks for the very good #booze! It has a generous nose, with dark red & black #cherry notes tethered to a #palate that is sumptuous & savoury, the latter something found in every #wine he makes. Love the #savouriness, #acidity & gripping #tannin structure of his #redwine offerings. — 10 years ago
Tercero wines are delicious. #Winemaker @larryschaffer is trying new things in #sbcountywines specializing in #rhoneblend and #mourvedre — 9 years ago
Really good. A more #french approach to #Syrah a new direction for #santaynezvalley #moorman #winemaker violets and lavender on the nose fresh and soft tannins. — 10 years ago
Being the #winemaker at #vinosdelviento I feel a kindred spirit to this winery. A very interesting #uruguaywine #uruguay — 5 years ago
#pinotnoir #costco Fairfield CA. great expression of Marlborough Pinot in the land of SB #rockstar #winemaker — 9 years ago
Nice blend from #rioja #winemaker really nice #french guy. Principle grape #garnacha with a little #tempranillo and #graciano fresh and delicious. — 9 years ago
Que buen viaje el placer de conocer #pomerol #conseillante #bordeaux #wine #winelover #wines #winemaker #winesday #winetweet #sommchat #sommelier #buenavida #happy elegante y refinado,top — 10 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger www.spanishwinesandmore.com, blog.tomevinos.com
Wicked. #pinotnoir loving this #winemaker everything is incredible a perfect balancing act between #california and #oldworld #mendocino — 5 years ago